The Congregation of Norbertine Sisters in Wilmington is one of the branches on the family tree of the Norbertine Order.
We live according to the age-old inspiration of St. Norbert and the Rule of St. Augustine,
striving to live with one mind and one heart on the way to God. READ MORE
We cordially invite you to our Monthly Bible Sharing on Friday, March 14, 2024.
Come and join us for Holy Hour every Wednesday at Mary Star of the Sea parish.
Join the Norbertine Sisters to pray a live Rosary, Register in advance for Zoom webinar.
Click here for details.
The January 2025 issue of our newsletter, Sursum Corda, is now available!
A Day in the Life
Our Congregation is a contemplative-active community where everyday life is centered around the liturgy, which overflows into the work we do for our brothers and sisters in Christ. Do you wonder what the life of a religious is like? Take a glimpse at some of our schedule!Prepared for Every Good Work
Like St. Norbert, our Congregation strives to be ready for anything that God calls us to do and to be anything that God calls us to be. The "active" aspect of our life consists in various apostolates that help our parish and community.

Chant is a beautiful and important part of our liturgical tradition as Norbertines. The General Instruction of the Roman Missal (GIRM 41) states that “Gregorian chant holds pride of place because it is proper to the Roman Liturgy”. Our Congregation studies Gregorian Chant and invite you to listen to a few hymns we are practicing! READ MORE