1. Eucharistic Devotion
The first mark of our Order is adoration of our Blessed Lord in the Holy Eucharist. The Eucharist is the “source and summit of our Christian life” (LG 11). We participate in daily Holy Mass and have Holy Hour everyday in order to grow in our personal relationship with Jesus, the Bridegroom of our souls, and to kindle our love for Him.

2. Liturgical Prayer
The second mark of our Order is Liturgical Prayer. Our community gathers 7 times a day to praise God by means of the Divine Office. We unite our hearts and voices in, with, and through Christ to intercede for the needs of the whole world in this official prayer of the Church.

3. Veneration of the Blessed Virgin Mary
The third mark of our Order is honoring our blessed Mother Mary. Jesus came into the world through Mary. Therefore, in imitation of Him, we strive to go to Jesus through Mary, offering her our prayers, works, all that we are, and all that we do for the greater glory of God.

4. Penance
The fourth mark of our Order is Penance. In imitation of Christ who came poor so that we may become rich in Him, we strive to live a simple and ascetical life by way of prayer, fasting, acts of self-denial, daily conversion, and the practice of virtues and the evangelical counsels of poverty, chastity, and obedience.

5. Zeal for Souls
The fifth mark of our Order is Zeal for Souls. “I have come to bring fire on the earth, and how I wish it were already kindled!” (Luke 12:49) Our community tries to work with the love and zeal of Christ as we carry out our daily duties and various apostolates, keeping in mind the very end for which all of us were made – salvation and eternal union with God in heaven.